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Se afișează postări din octombrie, 2010


Some photos.....try to listen their story...


I do not know if anybody cares… I am at the moment at a seminar in Prague. It was arranged for me to deliver a brief presentation, an overview on the activity we are carrying out each year. I couldn’t be brief, but I succeed to be precise and well understandable. I was quite nervous before, bur after I start speaking, I felt that everybody, well…almost everybody I guess, was listening (and not only hearing) every single detail of my..let’s say “brief” presentation. At the end, I had to answer to the questions raised by the audience (the biggest no of questions from the seminar) and I have done it well. The biggest surprise for me wasn’t the fact that I have received applauses when I finished presenting, because in fact every presenter received a big hand, but the surprise came from the fact that the audience felt that I am entitled to receive once more their appreciation by overwhelming me with another series of applauses. I was the only presenter at this seminar who was applauded tw...


36….ugly number! But it’s mine! So, starting with tomorrow, I’ll be 36. N-o sa fac bilanturi. N-o sa fac decat o simpla constatare: Prostii nu sunt in stare sa scrie ! Prostii aia, adevaratii, originalii, nu prostii din titlul blogului. Nu ati observat? Numai gura e de ei, dar cand vine vorba sa scrie 2-3 cuvinte, orice, absolut orice, intra in pana de idei. Stiu, intotdeauna a fost mai usor cu vorba, cu papagalul, cu SMS-ul (eventual unul primit de la altii si salvat pentru ocazii speciale) dar mult mai putina profunzime iti poate permite un oral fata de aproape infinitele posibilitati pe care ti le pune la dispozitie scrisul. Si n-o sa fiu acid pana la capat…  Ce imi doresc la 36? Mi-as dori sa vad ca acele cuvinte din logo-ul blogului sunt contrazise macar o data pe an de alte cuvinte…scrise….. De ce mi-e frica? De cei multi, de cei falsi, de cei mincinosi, generic…de prosti … Happy birthday to me! never enough comments